Definitions of A Geek

Traditionally a term of derision, geek has come to have a more positive connotation in this computer age. Technically adept people now frequently refer to themselves as geeks, in a mixture of self-deprecation and pride.a carnival performer who does disgusting acts

eccentric: a person with an unusual or odd personality A geek is a person who is fascinated, perhaps obsessively, by technology and imagination. Geek may not always have the same meaning as the term nerd (see nerd for a discussion of the disputed relation between the terms).

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Smoking For Health Reasons

Smoking may kill you, but researchers and biotech companies are quietly developing pharmaceuticals that are really good for brains, bowels, blood vessels and even immune systems -- and they're inspired by tobacco's deadly active ingredient: nicotine.(Bullshit,but here's what there saying on all this anyway)

Nicotine acts on the acetylcholine receptors in the brain, stimulating and regulating the release of a slew of brain chemicals, including seratonin, dopamine and norepinephrine.Say What? The elbows connected to the shin bone, Not surprisingly, the first scientific work that identified these chemicals and how they affect the body came out of nicotine research -- much of it performed by tobacco companies.(Just creative marketing if you ask me.)

Now drugs derived from nicotine and the research on nicotine receptors are in clinical trials for everything from helping to heal wounds, to depression, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's, Tourette Syndrome, ADHD, anger management and anxiety.
stressed out smoke 10 packs a day, hey there on to something here.

"Nicotine is highly stigmatized -- and for good reason, because the delivery system is so deadly," says Don deBethizy, CEO of Targacept. "But the drug itself and the research generated by studying its effects on the brain both show great promise for helping us improve our physical and mental health." Once again Bullshit Don.

DeBethizy worked for R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company for 15 years -- he was one of the first to publicly declare that tobacco is addictive -- before he spun Targacept off as a separate company. RJR retains a 4 percent share of the Winston Salem biotech, which has one mission: to develop drugs that target the so-called "nicotinic receptors" in the human central-nervous system.Gee it's nice to know that that's your one mission in life..go blow ciggerate smoke up someone elses ass.Money, Money, Money that's your one mission..keep it real Don.

Nicotine performs that function to an unhealthy extreme. "Nicotine itself is hugely potent and not specific enough," says Linda Gretton, Targacept's director of communications. "But the research we have allows us to take the best therapeutic qualities of nicotine and develop treatments that target receptors." Yea whatever
smoking kills and it allways will....any geek worth a shit know's that.


Unknown said...

Oh My Word... You are so narrow- minded (in this article) that you could see through a keyhole with Both eyes. If scientists were this intolerant, then we would still be living in the dark ages.

Didn't you read that Don said that the delivery system is so deadly?? He and Targacept don't condone smoking OR nicotine... But drugs that affect nicotinic receptors. Any biologist or a 3rd grader reading wikipedia can educate you about nicotinic receptors.

Also, Targacept is 96 percent owned by private biotech investors NOT affiliated with tobacco. That's quite a large number.

If a company developed life-improving drugs from alcohol or snake venom would you think they are secretly proponents of alohol addiction and poisoning children? The drugs with nicotinic properties are no closer to nicotine than a Hershey bar is to cocaine. They both come from cocoa right? It must be aa plot from the drugs lords to get everyone hooked on chocolate so they can later get hooked on crack?!? That is bad, poor, disconnected logic.

Tobacco companies sell tobacco... For money!!!

Trgacept is researching life-saving drugs to improve the world AND one day, make money to support Geeks. I know the folks at Targacept. They are all Geeks and they are "as good as gold and better" to semi-quote Dickens.

So, check you facts first and check youy agenda at the door. People are so blinded by their hate for whatever monster is in vogue that they are blinded to seeing the good.

Unknown said...

Sorry if I was a little harsh and for the typos. I was too lazy to proof.